Our Vision

1. Focus of our work

Every person must be able to clearly articulate his or her own basic needs in order to cope with everyday life. Only in this way a truly dignified - instead of shameful - communication is possible. That is why we design teaching materials that follow the motto

"Teach sensitively - but without mincing words."

The focus of our work is helping young people with a migration background to communicate confidently in subject areas that are as sensitive as they are indispensable for surviving in everyday life. Thus, our primary focus is complex topics, such as menstruation, harassment, sexuality and sexual identity, depression, or religion, that are often left out by established textbooks. We design material that includes handouts with concrete worksheets and exercises for learners of German as a foreign language. This promotes exchange and open discussion about the respective topic.

When people know how they can and are allowed to express their needs in Germany and what the norms are for dealing with sensitive issues, it gives them a sense of security. This encourages them to communicate openly, and through this openness, deep interpersonal conversations and intercultural connections can develop, which are prerequisites for peaceful coexistence in Germany.

Our working group STiDU, short for German "Sensible Them im DaF- und DaZ-Unterricht" (Sensitive Topics in teaching German as a foreign language), consists of seven dedicated people. They work as teachers, speech teachers, speech therapists, organize IT matters, and produce illustrations. Our team shares one insight that forms the basis of our work: We walk through the world with our eyes open, recognizing that language is crucial in breaking free from barriers that influence thinking. At the same time, however, conversations often leave out these very subjects that are of enormous importance to the individual and the group: Sexuality, death and dying, mental illness, and physical concerns such as menstruation and going to the toilet. These are just a few of those areas that are of high, usually emotional, importance and tabooing those has negative consequences, in the worst case for human health.

2. Our vision, which is the basis of our work

The current socio-political situation, especially migration movements as well as national and international crises, often severely test the limits of peaceful coexistence. It is shown that exactly those sensitive topics, up until now still marginal, have to move into focus in order to grant a peaceful coexistence.

If dealing with sensitive topics becomes the norm, this open communication can bring people further together.

Our vision is therefore to enable young people with migration and especially refugee backgrounds to integrate through barrier-free communication as well as to participate in society on an equal footing.

Furthermore, empathy is promoted and people are encouraged to precisely express their everyday needs. This has a positive influence on individual self-esteem, self-confidence, and on healthy coexistence. Language thus acts as an instrument for breaking down barriers between cultures. We want to give a voice to every population group, especially girls and young women. Our materials are intended to make a central contribution to equal, sincere, respectful, and peace- and freedom-oriented communication through the active removal of taboos.

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