Teaching and learning German without inhibitions!
Do you wish to support learners of German in their quest to confidently communicate about sensitive and essential topics?

Get to know our project and its materials by contacting us. We look forward to your message!

Who We Are

The STiDU team has set itself the mission to prepare sensitive topics for German lessons by designing appropriate teaching materials. The team's members come from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from active teachers to university students enrolled in different programs.

Meet the team
Our Vision
Anja Enzersberger-Wendling
  • Mother to a daughter
  • Teacher at upper secondary school ("Gymnasium") for German, English, and German as a foreign language
  • German language tutor with extensive experience teaching in Germany and the UK
  • Translator and editor
  • Design of teaching materials
  • Team lead and coordinator
  • Public relations work
  • Contact with publishers
  • Published papers:
    • Enzersberger, Anja/Annamária Fàbiàn (2019): Sprachliche Konstruktionen der Einheit durch Substantive in Politkerreden, in Fàbiàn/Trost (Hrsg.): Neue Zugänge zur Politolinguistik: Grammatische, lexikalische, pragmatische, kulturelle, dialektologische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Walter de Gruyter/RGL, S. 103-127.
    • Enzersberger, Anja (2020): Strategien gelungenen Erklärens. Erklärgegenstände und textgrammatische Vernetzungsstrategien in der Kindersendung „Löwenzahn“, in Thim-Mabrey/Rössler (Hrsg.): Verständliches Erklären und Instruieren: Sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu Beispielen medialer, fachlicher, behördlicher und betrieblicher Kommunikation. Regensburger Universitätsverlag, S. 19-40.
Julia Ackermann
  • Teacher at upper secondary school ("Gymnasium") for English and French
  • German language tutor with extensive experience teaching in Germany and France
  • Design of teaching materials
  • Design of the team logo
Christopher Maschek
  • Completed M.A. studies in German philology, Speech communication and Rhetoric, and German as a foreign language
  • German language teaching experience in Italy
  • Editing, proofreading, and transcription
  • Academic research
  • Contact with publishers
Lisa Wrosch
  • Teacher at upper secondary school ("Gymnasium") for German, physical education and German as a foreign language
  • Communication with schools
Livia Seeber
  • Freelance speech therapist located in Regensburg
  • B.A. in German philology, currently enrolled in M.A. in Speech Communication and Rhetoric
  • Experience in teaching German as a foreign language in Germany and Italy
  • Speech and voice trainer, work as editor
  • Design of teaching materials
Han-Nah Kufner
  • Bachelor's degree in forest engineering
  • Work as provisionary civil servant for forest administration
  • Main illustrator of the STiDU project
Han-Min Kufner
  • Work as provisionary teacher for Computer Science and English
  • Design of teaching materials
  • Web page design


  • Thema 1 - Talking About Weakness
  • Thema 2 - Using the Bathroom
  • Thema 3 - Menstruation
  • Thema 4 - Sexual Identity
  • Thema 5 - Sexuality
  • Thema 6 - Pregnancy
  • Thema 7 - Depression
  • Thema 8 - Violence and Harrassment
  • Thema 9 - Religion
  • Thema 10 - Death

New publication coming in 2024!

Contact Us

Are you a teacher or tutor for students learning German or do you know someone who is? If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact our project lead Anja Enzersberger-Wendling for more information!

E-Mail us

Further Information

Legal information (German)